Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Butterfly? Nuh uh that's old... Let me see you tootsie roll!

There is a local indy wrestler we have here in California, he works for APW and a few other feds nearby. His name is Sean Pulver He is a flamboyant character that likes to keep his opponents guessing with his over the top antics. (More on that in a moment.) I was just capturing one of his matches from about half a year ago and it dawned on me that he stopped one of my favorite tactics of his..

I mentioned yesterday that I work for APW in productions; well, one of my main jobs is DJing the shows. Sean and I have been friends for a while, and Sean is a pretty clever cat (kitten?). One day he got the idea that he could use my position and friendship to his advantage during his matches. He approached me and asked if I could do him a little favor. He asked me to have some music lined up for him during his match, and he showed me a special signal he would use during the match to signify that I should start playing the music. No problem! It's my sound station, I say what music gets out there, if my friend needs a little uplifting music to get him through a match, no problem.

The first night he asked me to do this, Sean was in a match against Vennis DeMarco. 5 minutes or so into his match, Sean wasn't doing very well. I don't like Vennis DeMarco much, but I'll admit he has his moments in the ring. Anyhow, Sean was losing his match at a rapid rate and he hurriedly gave me the signal. I hit the music, not knowing what to expect from Sean. He did something I didn't expect at all.. He started dancing! Vennis wasn't expecting it either, he just stared at Sean slack-jawed, unable to believe what he was seeing. What happened next, I couldn't believe. Sean was dancing, and somehow.. He was able to coax Vennis into dancing as well! Vennis went all out, arms flailing, doing those little kicks like Elaine from Seinfeld. I think Sean was hoping to distract Vince long enough to forget about the match, but unfortunately Vennis came to, and the match continued.

Sean and I played around with that for a while.. and I have to say.. there is nothing more amusing than when Sean can coax a big burly wrestler into dancing. Imagine YOUR favorite big, bad wrestler doing the tootsie roll... Priceless! I'll have to talk to Sean.. We have to start that up again. Of course he did have varying ranges of success with this... Check out the match Sean has with Kafu that is coming to ClickWrestle soon!

In other news, there is a disturbing trend occurring here at the office. I try to keep a little dish of candy out for the guys at the office. It started in September when I started here. I brought in a little Halloween dish, and I toted in some chocolate to fill it. The boxes changed with the holidays, and so did the candy. About 4 rotations ago I got starburst for the candybox. During Christmas, there was some Hershey's kisses put into the box. Recently I put a valentine's day mix of candy in. Today I noticed that we are running out, and that I will have to renew the stash because we are getting low. I dumped out the candy to see what was left, and to my dismay... I saw a starburst. How has is it lasted so long? Why wont anyone eat the last starburst? Is it doomed to watch generation after generation of candy pass by it? BRYAN! Eat the starburst!

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